Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New year resolutions...
have you done yours?
or are they merely a repeat from last year?

ok so im about 3 days late but better late than never right?
new year resolutions..lets see..
i honestly have no idea..
i mean..the things i resolve to do every year kinda seems the same..
not exactly the same same but you all about the same thing..
oh well..
guess its cause it takes a lot for people to actually get down to changing?
im definitely included..
everyones resistant to change arent they..
but sadly..
change is the only constant.. goes:
-speak up more during tutorials
-be more concerned abt e ppl ard me (a.k.a b less spoilt)
-eat more..or rather more healthily
-have more self-confidence

so there you have it..
kat's four main resolutions for the year 2006..
i wonder what God has installed for me..
whatever it is..i know He'll be there for me..

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