Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Advertising Strategies Presentation
(pls forgive the very very blurred and lousy quality photos)

The Presenters:
Michele (and her killer heels)

Heather (and her funky red pointy toes)

Kim (and her broken masking-taped heels)

Mary (and her mondo heels)
And finally, ME! (and my cheap and relatively comfy VNC heels)

and me again! only because i was trying to pose. hur.

ok. fine. i know. enough of me. haha.

the group that made it possible:

thanks to each and everyone of you. we had a really tough time but i'm glad it's all over. i couldnt have asked for better group members to work with. let's keep in touch and do more NM modules together next semester!

this one's for you ally
Michele says it looks like a mutated child/offspring of spongebob and squidward!

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