Sunday, June 26, 2005

kat's klassified ads.

Duration: 1st July to 12th August
Venue: Singapore Expo
Time: 9am to 10pm
Salary: 4bucks per hour

kindly call Georgina at 62139177.


speaking of job, im now officially unemployed.
haha.which is a good thing because it means i get to spend more time with him (before he flies off again. sob sob.) rather than sitting in the office wasting away 10 precious hours.

but i must admit, for my first official job, there's nothing serious to complain.
in fact i think i really had it easy.

to begin with i never had a single deadline to meet.
aunty alice was always telling me to take my time calling the debtors and folding the reminders/statements of accounts/official receipts, "those that you cant finish you can always do them tomorrow".
she was always paying for my lunch, so much so i decided to bring lunch to work so she wouldnt get the chance to keep paying.she always always always refused to take my money.
even if i brought lunch she'd still buy me fruits and what not.
and she always bought me milo. twice a day when the delivery guy came. which makes it a grand total of 48cups of milo.
she would occasionally turn around to chat with me.
about life, being a mother, working, explaining to me why and what they do as accountants, talking excitedly about her sons, asking me about uni life, teaching me the proper way of steaming fish and sharing with me other foodie ideas.
she was like a mother to me in the office and that i never took for granted.
i cant even count the number of thank yous we exchanged.

to top it all off, she gave me a really cute cat pencil case on my last day.
really grateful for all she has taught and given me.

as much as i complain about the job; the monotony of it all & the measly pay, what keeps me going is that i cant bear to let aunty alice do all the work herself.
call me back if u need help!
or if your son needs english tuition!
gladly i'd give it for free because no amount of money can repay your kindness and love shown to me during the short one and a half months i spent at the office.


time really flies when ure having fun.
its already gonna be a week since SQ224 touched down and i was panicking when i couldnt find you.
silly me forgot that it takes awhile for the passengers to actually come out from the time the plane lands with all the passport stamping and absolut vodka buying and luggage collecting.

more than just panicking i was worrying.worrying about how it'd actually be when i saw you.
but all my fears were assuaged the moment you held my hand tight.

if there's one thing i absolutely adore about you, its the way you can make me talk.
its really no mean feat. trust me.
you make me feel so comfortable and i know i can trust you no matter what.
the walk we had at 1am this morning just served to reassure me.

and that brings me to say that i am enjoying every bit of the fact that you stay not just in my condo but in my block.
it also means you have no excuse to not come down even if it rains.haha.
and i can go disturb you when ure wasting time napping like a pig.
but all too soon you're gonna be the furthest neighbour i have.

i know what you'd say in response to this.
silly girl, dont think so far, ure still gonna have me for another 3 weeks.
yeah i know.but how can 3 pathetic weeks possibly make up for the coming 4 long months?


why is my next pay only coming in mid-july.

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