Saturday, August 05, 2006

it almost appears to me that my relatives are trying to upstage each other.
about 6 weeks ago we were invited to the Ritz Carlton for a buffet dinner and celebration of my auntie's 70th birthday.
and tonight we're due for another buffet dinner. and this time its held at Shangri-La "The Line". its also another birthday celebration, but for my uncle's 69th birthday.
just for the uninformed, the Ritz Carlton buffet costs about $45+++ and the Shangri_La buffet costs about $65+++.
gosh. i'll be sure to skip lunch, and load up on the sashimi, softshell crab, oysters, desserts and the $20 bowl of wanton mee.

im definitely not complaining about such invites as it gives me a chance to indulge in such extravagance. honestly speaking, such places would never cross my parent's mind at all and neither would i dare dream of even suggesting these throat-cutting venues to them.

so even though it is a little awkward, considering the fact that we seldom meet up with this side of the family, and even more seldom do we see (much less interact) with this uncle, all is good in the stomach and tastebud department. let's just hope the food sounds as good as it does in the reviews ive read and warrant that exorbitant price-tag.
we'll wait and see wont we?


cheers to another weekend of good food!

p/s: anyone interested in going for the australian education fair tomorrow?

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