Friday, September 22, 2006

nothing much has really been going on except work work and more work..sigh..i absolutely cant wait for this semester to be doesnt help that there's so much to look forward to when im finally done with the dreaded exams..and bah..can you believe how late my exams are gonna end? it pretty much leaves me with only about 3 and a half weeks of school holidays..tsk tsk..unfair i tell you..simply unfair..but then not the only one who ends that late..haha..merely all the other people who have exams on the same day and the thousands who are housed in other exam venues will end on the same day as me..haha..oh well..i suppose i could take comfort in that terrible..

anyway..the only good thing that is coming up is possibly the term break..but..i cringe and am careful about using the word "break"..on one can mean a period of rest and relaxation..and on the flip means to damange or even "ruin somebody's life" (!!!)..hurhur..i wonder which will be the most apt for things for sure..i definitely dont foresee a relaxing much work to get started on and others that need to be completed..sigh..but hopefully..*kat crosses her fingers and toes..there'll be one or two days of just pure self-indulgence (a.k.a away from anthg to do with school) and of! or..*ahem* i would rather think of it and call it retail therapy..

alrighty..its back to my printed pieces of paper that would determine whether i pass or fail tomorrow's test..tsk..honestly..someone should do a study on how much paper a university student wastes every year..and multiply that by the entire school population...................

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