Saturday, August 18, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates.
Been relatively busy, out of the house often and just plain lazy to update.
But here's one so you know I'm still alive and kicking.

Caught two movies this week.
Rush Hour 3 and The Bourne Ultimatum.
Rush Hour 3 was ok I guess. I found it to be rather short and totally predictable.
But then again, they're merely following the standard tried-and-tested Hollywood formula of good guys always win.
At least they tried to put in some twists and superfluous characters (I totally didn't get the point of that weird Chinese lady at the gentlemen's club).
And the jokes were cringe-worthy. Haha. Terribly lame, borderline racist and crude.
But nonetheless, it is afterall Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan.
What else could go wrong?

The Bourne Ultimatum on the other hand, gets both thumbs up from me.
Considering that I'm not much of an action movie fan, that's really saying a lot about the movie.
I love how the director played with so many camera angles and the editing was superb.
The fast pace of the action was actually in tune with the morality behind the movie, rather than just punching and spewing blood around for the sake of it.
And thanks to my cousin for the free preview tickets!

Work-wise, I've been doing ok.
I've got a great editor, a manageable workload, flexible working hours, casual dress-code, free food every week and colleagues who are nice.
There are, of course, challenges coming my way.
Like the upcoming photo shoot where I have to be the food-stylist for 10 reader recipes.
It's nerve-wrecking because I've never done it before.
But thankfully the cook working with me is really supportive and the other food-stylist has offered to help as well.
Thank God for always providing me with these little reassurances.
And JY too for accompanying me to Daiso to pick out the plates and what not.
And of course carry them for me.

And finally,
to my dearest uni SPG,
let's meet up the week after!
Before you guys get so caught up with school work!


1 comment:

wee foong said...

ok! pls da-bao some of those food u;ve been describing for e gathering ok? =P