Friday, February 02, 2007

the minute u say you're graduating this coming semester, inevitably the question will pop out from people's mouths,
"so what are you going to do?"
among friends and the people i know,
i'd usually laugh about it and say the same thing that probably a hundred of the other graduating students would say too,
"i have no idea!"

but with the chinese new year holidays (i.e plenty of home visitations) coming up,
i'm thinking i had better come up with a good answer.
by a good answer, i would mean something that is politically correct, not exactly lying, hopefully intelligent and "it's a job that will bring in the dollars" sounding.

sure they will say that it isnt necessary and want you to just say what you really feel and think because its ok.
and appear clueless and potentially jobless in the months to come after graduation?

i know it isnt ok.
at least i feel it isnt.
somehow i feel like im going to be sized up and scrutinized whether im good enough.
most possibly among the people who arent really familiar with me and expect me to be good enough or at least of a certain caliber.
tell them you're not doing honours and woohoo, that raises more eyebrows.

i just want to survive those houses and
enjoy the good eats at the others.

i want to go shopping.

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