Tuesday, March 07, 2006

this week is presentation week for me:
monday - lit and other arts
wednesday - interactive media
thursday - visual communications

so how was today's presentation?
well..considering me and michele took about 2hrs to finalize stuff at amk macs on sunday..i think we did a pretty darn good job..haha..seriously..and its no mean feat ok..cause the topic we're doing on (Ashbery and de Chirico for those interested) was like the hardest and most complicated of all the topics we could have possibly chosen in our module..hahaaa..so dumb i tell you..cause we had to pick which weeks and topics we wanted to do our presentation on..and we didnt want to do it too late so as to clash with the annual rushing of essays we had to do mr. ashbery cause the previous weeks were all taken up..so yeah..haha..we spent 3 solid hours in the central library just trying to find a poem and painting to match..this ashbery fella is one crazy fella..he wrote a 50 page long POEM (mind you..its one whole poem..not prose), wrote a poem on daffy duck (yes you heard me right) and wrote a book titled "a nest of ninnys"..me and michele were like.. -_-'"..haha..but im kinda glad we did it..i got to learn a lot and practice interpreting painting..because it was so challenging im sure we learnt a lot more than we would have if we did a straightforward and typical poem or painting..job well done mishie moo!

right now my eyes can barely open..haha..stayed back in school to finish up our new media project..its going ok i guess..my group is going to have to bang on the presentation to get us a good grade i suppose..because we didnt really meet up properly our slides and info were all a little messed up..had to fix it with mish today..yeah..but the project came after we had lunch at the business canteen..had my bratwraust and potato wedges..it wasnt as nice as i remembered it to be though..haha..but nvm..had fun meeting up with shawn and me, mary, michele and shawn went totally bonkers and evil talking about..er..erm..ok..stuff..hahaha..not safe to disclose..you never know who might be reading your blog..haha..

got quite a lot of stuff to do this week..wanna try and at least start on my poster for visual comm class on thursday tonight..and finish reading Love's Labour's Lost in preparation for my shakespeare presentation next thurs..need to return library books..change my watch strap..research on my lit and other art's essay..iron my clothes..buy contact lenses..

but as much as im this busy..i still have time to think of him..yeah..its only day two since he left for perth and im already pinning for him to come back home..heh..well..i guess its back to laggy webcam images and at least good quality "phone-calls"over google talk..thank God for the internet and fast broadband connection..haha..but..nothing..absolutely nothing beats the real thing..sigh..its a matter of getting used to it i suppose..but..then again..i really dont wanna get used to you being away from me...

alright..time to go for dinner..not very hungry though..i still can feel the sausage and soya bean milk swimming around in my stomach........

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