Sunday, September 05, 2004

Decisions decisions...

How does one make wise decisions? Seek the Lord!

I was chatting with mishie moo moo cow last night on MSN..
Asked her how was the Soci Society AGM and she said it was not bad..all of them got in..
I was just casually commenting that maybe i should have ran as well and she told me that theres still one more post waiting to be filled due to a lack of candidates..
If i wanted the post i'd be working with ZH and Gina..

Chatting more..I asked her how GB was doing..
She commented that Grace was really lost heading devotion com for the very first time since she was in rec com when she was in secondary school..
It did make me think of going back to at least give back something to GB in comparison to the immense amount GB has blessed me with..
besides..mishie is always complaining about the way angel plays the drums..haha..i myself would like to bang on the drums again..been ages..

well..mish did remind me that if i do go back to help it'll be a committment..
it isnt something that im doing cause im excited at the moment and later when the excitment dies down i just throw it down and slack on the job or worse give up..
she suggested i have a talk with Jenny Koh to find out what exactly devotion com needs right now..
thanks mishie moo.. i will heed your to go down to see her with me? =)

well..i guess the decision is pretty obvious that i would rather join GB than soci society..
perhaps its cause i think i'll feel less intimidated as part of GB rather than soci society..
i know its silly but im just that sort of person who is in a sense "afraid" of new people..people who i feel are better than me in any sense.. does take a while for me to open up to people..
but beginning to..esp to the O week people such as Ruo, Swi and even Jan =)
ultimately..i still want and will pray about it..
no decision is too small to leave God out of the process..
Because He knows whats best for us..
He's our Father remember? =)

going to play shi zhi lu kou later..
contact-building event by my church's youth fellowship..
im rather enthu about the game and i'll be facilitating!
haha..and im gonna wear my "SINGLE" nike tshirt..heehee..
haha..for no apparant reason though..'cept that its a really comfy tshirt..
but well..i dont exactly know how to facilitate..haha..i didnt even attend the briefing!
however..i'll do my utmost best..heehee..and pray raymond knows what to do..which i highly doubt..
ohhh..and thanks Dad for being so nice as to send me all the way to VCH..heehee..your directional-idiot little girl..*sheepish grin*

i need to get a pair of shoes.............................................

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