Friday, February 11, 2005


Ed made me recognize one very important factor today.
He said that at the end of all the searching, if two people wanted to be together they had to be open and have fun chatting with each other.
He asked me to imagine not being able to crap with my boyfriend and commented how boring that would be.

You once said you liked me for me.
But its weird how little you actually know about me.
And its strange how i get tongue-tied when talking to you.
Even more bizarre how we sometimes run out of things to say and talk about.

Ok, enough of the complicated emotionally-weighted issues. heh.
Let me say thanks to three guys who made my night a rather interesting and most definitely laughter-filled one.

Thanks to Edwin, Jun Yuan and Shane.

Who, first and foremost, most gallantly helped me to finish up some food from the buffet spread.
Thanks, you have no idea how much it means to me (and my stomach for the next few days).
Secondly, they relieved me of my boredom during the dinner.
Haha. Ok my relatives arent that boring..its just that i dont usually talk to them so yeah. heh.
Its rather amazing how the four of us managed to talk quite a bit and laugh a little bit more depsite me being (almost) a complete stranger to Jun Yuan and Shane.
Thirdly, for inviting me up to the twelfth floor.
I had always wanted to see how was the view from up there. Sorry i didnt stay long though.

God definitely had His hand in this.
I actually invited him to come over.
But he didnt.
And him not being there allowed me to get to know (and know better for ed) these three crappy guys.
Blessing(s) in disguise.
*Grin* not enough. Its what ure gonna do about it. Will i do anything?

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