Sunday, April 24, 2005

oh fricative.
ok thats not some new bad word or smthg.
it actually means "A consonant, such as f or s in English, produced by the forcing of breath through a constricted passage."
so as u can tell, i had my elang exam today.

i really dont like open book exams cause it usually is tougher than usual and extremely tricky.
this paper was no exception.
though i really thank God that every question ('cept of cuz the grammatical tree..duh~) was MCQ.
but MCQs mean that theres only one correct straighforward answer.
no chance of squeezing out a mark from a whole chunk of written rubbish.
found out i had quite a lot of mistakes after going thru the paper with the other girls.
but then again, we might all be wrong. haha. couldnt agree on quite a number of questions.
*kat squeezes shut her eyes and crosses her fingers*

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