Tuesday, April 03, 2007

i think im really about to pull out my hair.
so many deadlines to meet.
presentations, arguments, reports, projects, and everything in between.

someone bring me out to eat!
someone bring me out to shop!

someone. anyone. before i lose my mind.

but despite all these cumbersome worrying,
i thank God that He always reminds me of how much He loves and takes care of me.
just yesterday i got such exciting news.
the timing of everything was perfect.
on the day itself as well as the situation on the other end.
Perfection personified.
i have been worrying about what im going to do after i graduate for the longest time.
and yesterday the answer came.
at that instance.
im so excited.
incentive for me to get done with all this nonsense and start a new chapter of my life.
its going to involve a heck load of work but its definitely going to be more interesting than school!

and all the credit goes to God.
for He never forgets His little children even when they forget Him.
Thank You God!

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