Wednesday, March 30, 2005

and so this is how its gonna be
no more late nights
and no more smiles to see..

or so i thought
cause i was proven wrong
with a smile that cannot be bought

the elation that comes with surprise
that stems from no expectation
just a simple message will suffice

just came back from my sushi date with corlissa..
thanks girl..for such a great time..from the beginning till the end i think we never once stopped laughing..haha..though its at each other..heh..really enjoyed talking to you..hopefully we'll be able to have more of such sessions..thanks for walking around with me too..haha..and i keep wanting to buy u smthg but u kept saying u dont like anything..tsk tsk tsk..haha..mabe next time then..and ok i bought stuff for myself again..haha..lets see..gio polo tee..a pair of earrings..c&k slippers and muji milk tea! (:

its back to mugging again i guess..
nthg but french french french..really need to do smthg econs..and marketing..which i really suck at..sociology is not too bad because im accustomed to writing essays..oh yeah..and theres elang too..which is just absolutely impatient for this semester to end..its just not going very well for far havent done as well as i want myself to..sigh..better buck up for the coming exams..

oh yeah! had breko breakfast with mish and gina monday morning..super duper awesome way to chase the monday blues far far away and start the day..especially a long tiring day of school..mishie had 'peter pan'..haha..just a fancy name for pancakes..gina had eggs toast beans sausages and i opted for a healthy bagel with smoked salmon and scrambled eggs..haha..weight-conscious mah..
heh..the day was ok i usual our dear french tutor/lecturer went bonkers..haha..but french lecture didnt go very well for my darling gina..poor girl..well..all i can say is pray about it and trust God..He has a very gd reason for allowing that to happen..and He knows better than to let you hear it there and then..He knows what crazy thing you would have done without thinking..heh..give the veggie monster the benefit of a doubt and just dont care about that gd-for-nthg nadia who without question is a b***h..hang in there my dear..ull be alright..ull get through this..u have God, mishie and me! who else do u need? Heh (:

i know u wont read this till u come back but i'll say it anyway..heh..
its true how u told me not to "expect anything anytime from anybody so you can be pleasantly surprised and easily contented"..
haha..u actually remembered how im such an easily contented person..
u never fail to surprise me..
like yesterday when u turned this original entry into a lie..
and with your sms today even though its gonna cost you..

(though i would rather u not sms cause i want u to concentrate on having ironic..haha)
take care of yourself and have a whole load of fun before the mugging starts all over again..
and to think i was afraid u'd........heh.well.nvm.

rescue me from hanging on this line...
i won't give up on giving you
the chance to blow my mind...

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